Religious Studies in Japan

Submission of Manuscripts & Style Guide

This Style Guide is also available as PDF File.

Religious Studies in Japan

Submission of Manuscripts & Style Guide

Religious Studies in Japan is a peer-reviewed journal edited and published by the Japanese Association for Religious Studies.

The author of a manuscript should be a member of the Japanese Association for Religious Studies.

The preferred length of articles is 6000–8000 words including notes and references. All manuscripts are subject to editorial modification with permission of the author. Manuscript submissions should be sent as Microsoft Word files to the address below.

Editor: Hoshino Seiji(Kokugakuin University)

Email address is written in the PDF above.

1. Manuscript Submission

For questions of style and format, we generally follow The Chicago Manual of Style, 16th edition.

For further details on how to handle questions of style related to Japanese, see the Monumenta Nipponica Style Sheet

1.1 Preparation of Manuscripts

Manuscripts for consideration in the Religious Studies in Japan are evaluated for content and style.

Electronic manuscripts may be submitted by e-mail.

Papers must be written in English and checked thoroughly by a native speaker.

a. Requirements for initial stage

Contact details (including mailing and e-mail address) and the title must be written in the main text of an e-mail.

A file containing the following information should be sent as an e-mail attachment.

・a title page with a 150-word summary and 5 or 6 keywords

・separate lists of illustrations, tables, and graphs (with captions and acknowledgements)

・full text matter including notes of about 6000-8000 words, in 12 point Times New Roman

・full reference list including URLs and their access dates for all web sites.

The author should also submit all permissions, in writing, regarding the reproduction of illustrations and previously published material, and citation of unpublished data and personal communications.

b. Requirements for second stage

If a manuscript has been accepted for publication, it may require revisions in content and/or style. (Suggestions may be given to the author by peer-reviewers.)

Upon completion, the author should submit ONE paper copy of the revised manuscript plus a final electronic version.

If images are included in the manuscript, they must be either reproduced on photographic paper or scanned at 300 DPI as a color or black-and-white photograph in JPEG or TIFF format. Authors whose manuscripts have been accepted must also supply a two-line biographical note (for the front page of the article) plus a six-line version (for the Contributors Page).

1.2 Copyright

Copyright for articles and book reviews published in the Religious Studies in Japan belongs to the Japanese Association for Religious Studies (JARS).

Manuscripts submitted for consideration should not have been previously published, or be under consideration for publication elsewhere.

If a manuscript has been accepted for publication in the Religious Studies in Japan, we ask authors not to distribute the manuscript before publication.

The Religious Studies in Japan will readily grant permission for the reprinting of articles and reviews, or for their reproduction for classroom use, provided it is requested in writing.

The full contents of the Religious Studies in Japan will be posted on the JARS website, in PDF format, for full and free access by the academic community; acceptance of this condition is implied by the author’s consent to publish in the Religious Studies in Japan.

2. Stylistic Conventions

2.1 Headings

Provide section headings and, where appropriate, subheadings.

Do not begin an article with a heading (e.g. “Introduction”).

2.2 Name order

Give Japanese names in traditional order (e.g., Nishida Kitarō), except in cases when citing a Japanese author whose name has been rendered in Western format in English-language publications (e.g., Harumi Befu).

2.3 Chinese Characters/Kana

Provide characters at the first (and only the first) mention of a person, place name, literary work, era name, or Romanized term.

Do not provide characters for prefectures, islands (e.g. Hokkaido), provinces, or major cities.

Do not provide characters for words found in English-language dictionaries (e.g., Shinto, kami), unless they form part of a fuller Japanese phrase or text reference

2.4 Macrons

Indicate long vowels with a macron in a standard font (ō, ū).

Otherwise, use circumflexed vowels (ô, û).

Provide macrons for all words apart from anglicized ones (e.g., Shinto), and main islands and cities (Hokkaido, Honshu, Tokyo, Osaka).

Omit macrons if a religious organization does so in its official English name (e.g., Rissho Kosei-kai).

Retain macrons when they occur in a Japanese-language citation (e.g., Hamuro Yoriaki 葉室頼昭, ‘Shintō’ no kokoro 「神道」のこころ, Tokyo: Shunjūsha,1997).

*While macrons should be retained for publisher names, it is not necessary to provide the kanji for publishers.

There may be instances whereby publisher names include place names that require macrons (e.g., Tōkyō Daigaku Shuppan).

2.5 Italicization of Japanese and non-English-language terms

Italicize Japanese and non-English-language terms, except for those that are used frequently in English (e.g., Shinto, kami) or found in standard English dictionaries.

2.6 Syllables

Show syllable divisions with an apostrophe (e.g., shin’yō), but only if needed to avoid confusion.

2.7 Japanese/non-English-language phrases

In principle, the characters for names, terms, and places should immediately follow the Romanized version (e.g., Yasumaru Yoshio 安丸良夫, shinbutsu bunri 神仏分離, Hagurosan 羽黒山).

This also applies to all references and footnotes.

In cases of different readings, use the following abbreviations:

Jp. Japanese Ch. Chinese Sk. Sanskrit

2.8 Spelling

Use American spelling (e.g. center, not centre).

An exception may be made for extracted quotations where the original uses British spelling.

2.9 Use of all caps/small caps

Although the Shūkyō kenkyū uses small caps to indicate authors’ surnames in textual references (e.g., YOSHIDA 1970, 37) and bibliographies, do not use all caps or small caps anywhere in the manuscript, except in the case of abbreviations in references (see 3.1 References d. Abbreviations).

Small caps will be added as necessary during the editing process.

3. Documentation

3.1 Citations within text

For references to works within the text (including footnotes), use the author-date system with the surname of the author, year of publication (without intervening punctuation), followed by a comma then page numbers, e.g., (Jones 1979, 379); for consecutive numbers, use (Suzuki 2001, 289–93).

3.2 Footnotes

Indicate footnotes in the text with a raised Arabic number.

Assign footnote numbers consecutively throughout the manuscript, but supply them on a separate sheet of paper at the end of the text.

Use footnotes for supplementary data or ideas, but use citation notes for simple references (see 3.1).

3.3 References

Supply full bibliographical information in a section entitled “References” at the end of the document. Each Japanese title must include all characters, including author names.

The following information for all references is essential.

a. Monographs

Hurvitz, Leon

1976 Scripture of the Lotus Blossom of the Fine Dharma. New York: Columbia University Press.

Separate the date from the title with a tab space.

If the work is in Japanese, use the following format

Watanabe Shôichi 渡部昇一

1974 Nihongo no kokoro 日本語の心. Tokyo: Kōdansha.

Do not italicize Chinese characters/kana.

b. Book chapters

Walthall, Anne

1991 The lifecycle of farm women in Tokugawa JapanIn Recreating Japanese Women, 1600–1945, ed. Bernstein, Gail Lee, 42–70. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Namura Jōhaku 苗村丈伯

1989 Onna chōhōki 女重宝記 (1692). In Tōyoko gakuen joshi tanki daigaku josei bunka kenkyūjo sōsho: Daisanshū 東横学園女子短期大学女性文化研究所叢書 第三輯, ed. Arima Sumiko 有馬澄子, Wakasugi Tetsuo 若杉哲男, and Nishigaki Yoshiko 西垣賀子, 1–141. Tokyo: Josei Bunka Kenkyūjo.

Supply page numbers for all works cited.

c. Articles

Spae, Joseph J.

1972 Dr. D. T. Suzuki on Christianity. Japan Christian Quarterly 38: 147–58.

Supply all volume and issue information available, and all page numbers.

d. Abbreviations

Where work from a major series is being cited, it may be helpful to provide an abbreviation to cite the work in the text and footnotes.

For example, the References will list the full bibliographical information in this format:

SDZ Suzuki Daisetsu zenshū 鈴木大拙全集. Suzuki Daisetsu Teitarō 鈴木大拙貞太郎, 40 vols. Revised and edited by Hisamatsu Shin’ichi 久松真一, Yamaguchi Susumu 山口 益, Furuta Shōkin 古田紹欽. Tokyo: Iwanami Shoten, 1999–2003.

A reference to this may appear in text as (SDZ 36: 478–79)

In this case, the use of all caps to indicate the abbreviation is necessary.

e. Websites

For all references to websites, provide full details of author, title of work, URL, and access dates.

Remove hyperlinks on all URL references.

Chamberlain, Basil Hall

1912 The invention of a new religion.

(accessed 2 August 2005).


