
127号 第10回大会紀要


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1, 社会構造と人格の関係:宗派発生の面においてとらへたる, 井門富二夫,Social Structure and its Relation to Personality: as Investigated on the Growth of Sect, Fujio Ikado, pp.1-3.
2, 法然の戒律観について, 石田瑞麿, Hōnen’s View on the Buddhist precept of conduct, Mizumaro Ishida, pp.4-5.
3, 祈りにおける請願と帰依, 雲藤義道, Petition and devotion in prayer, Yoshimichi Undo, pp.6-8.
4, 両墓制について, 大間知篤三, The double grave system, Tokuzo Omachi, pp.9-11.
5, 宗教本質論に関して:ヘレニズム・ヘブライズム及ブデイズム, 河合陟明, Hellenism, Hebrewism, and Buddhism in connection with the problem of the nature of religion, Shōmyō Kawai, pp.11-14.
6, サーンキャ(数論)学派のグナ(徳)について, 風間敏夫, Study on guṇa in the Sānkhya philosophy, Toshio Kazama, pp.15-17.
7, 世親の唯識説について, 勝呂昌一, On the theory of Yuishiki (Vijñaptimātratā) by Seshin (Vasubandhu), Shōichi Suguro, pp.18-20.
8, 大乗経典に現れる宗教的歓喜について, 紀野一義, Religious Joy, as treated in the Mahayāna sūtras, Kazuyoshi Kino, pp.21-23.
9, 婆羅門教と印度教との異点と特殊性, 木村日紀, Brāhmanism and Hinduism, their differences and characteristics, Nikki Kimura, pp.24-26.
10, 極微について, 久我順, Study on sūkshma, Jun Kuga, pp.27-29.
11, 四国遍路をめぐる信仰, 小池長之, The pilgrimage (Henro) in the Shikoku Island and its faith Eigaku Kochi Shinran and Dogen, Nagayuki Koike, pp.29-31.
12, 親鸞と道元, 光地英学, Shinran and Dōgen, Eigaku KŌCHI, pp.31-33.
13, 中世白山の荘厳講について:その組織、機能と成立, 櫻井徳太郎, On the Shogon society (Shogon-ko) of Mount Hakusan in the mediaeval ages: Its structure, function and growth, Tokutarō SaKurai, pp.34-39.
14, 石器時代小児甕棺葬について, 佐野大和, The burial of infant in the Jar coffin in the stone ages, Daiwa Sano, pp.39-42.
15, 江戸末期における在家仏教の発生:日蓮宗を中心として, 執行海秀, The birth of lay Buddhism in the latter period of Yedo: With special Emphasis on the Nichiren Sect, Kaishū SHIKKŌ, PP.42-44.
16, 「坐禅」と「止観」, 関口慈光, Dhyāna and shikan, two kinds of Buddhist contemplation, Jikō Sekiguchi, PP.44-47.
17, 日忌の本質, 竹中信常, The nature of “day” taboo, Shinjō Takenaka, PP.48-51.
18, 宗教民族学の学的性質及び領域の反省, 棚瀬襄爾, The nature and field of religious ethnology reconsidered, Jōji Tanase, pp.51-53.
19, 理想的平和の世界性, 津田敬武, Universality of the ideal peace, Noritake Tasuda, pp.54-57.
20, 官社の成立, 西山徳, Growth of Shinto shrines as governmental institute, Toku Nishiyama, pp.58-60.
21, 阿含の四諦観, 早島鏡正, The theory of the Four Truths in the Agama, Kyōshō Hayashima, pp.61-63.
22, 宝林伝の研究, 増永霊鳳, A study of “Horin-den”, Reihō Masunaga, pp.64-66.
23, 聖徳太子の仏教における思惟, 森田康之助, Prince Shōtoku and his Buddhistic thoughts, Yasunosuke Morita, pp.67-69.
24, 預言と幻, 山崎亨, Prophecy and vision, Tōru Yamazaki, pp.70-72.
25, 中国民衆の倫理書「功過格」について, 吉岡義豊, On “Kōkakaku”, an ethical document of the chinese populace, Yoshitoyo Yoshioka, pp.72-74.
26, 限界的状況における宗教的適応, 石津照璽, Religious adjustment at the limited situation, Teruji Ishizu, pp.74-77.
27, 羽黒山行事における「タブー」の一考察, 岡田重精, Survey of taboo in the religious observances at the Mount Haguro, Jūsei Okada, pp.78-80.
28, 源氏物語の精神構造における宗教的救済の問題, 小野村洋子, The problem of religious salvation as seen in the mental structure depicted in “the Story of Genji”, Yōko Onomura, pp.80-83.
29, 人間における Natur:特にカントの宗教論を中心として, 楠正弘, “Natur” in man: pacticularly on the theory of religion by Kant, Masahiro Kusunoki, pp.83-86.
30, 院政初期の宗教思想, 原田隆吉, Religious thoughts during the early period of the Monastic Government (Insei) in the Heian period, Ryūkichi Harada, pp.86-89.
31, 日本冥界訪問説話の儀礼的背景, 松前健, Ritualistic beckground of the Japanese legends with the theme of visiting the “another world.”, Ken Matsumae, pp.89-92.
32, 「とひたのまき」考, 松野純孝, On “Toita-go-maki”, Sumitaka Matsuno, pp.93-95.
33, ワーツスヤーヤナ疏より見たる正理学派の我論,:仏教の無我説との対比, 宮坂宥勝, The theory of self by the Nyāya school as seen in the Vātsyāyana comentary: contrast to the Buddhist theory of nonself, Yūshō Miyasaka, pp.96-98.
34, 部派・小乗の『さとり』の系譜, 山田龍城, Genealogy of “enlightenment” (satori) in the sectarian Hïnayā ua Buddhism, Ryūjō Yamada, pp.98-100.
35, 方丈記の宗教性について, 若山俊次, On the religious nature of the Hōjoki, Shunji Wakayama, pp.101-103.
36, 神道祭祀における主と客, 小野祖教, Subject and object in the Shinto worship, Sokyō Ono, pp.103-106.
37, 人間ゴータマの神格化, 中村元, Deification of the man Gautama, Hajime Nakamura, pp.106-111.
38, 古ウパニシャッドにおける「般若」の研究, 西義雄, A study of prajña (hannya) in the old Upanishads, Yoshio Nishi, pp.111-115.
39, 聖徳太子の観音化身説について, 福井康順, On the theory that Prince Shōtoku is the incarnation of Kwan-in, Kōjin Fukui, pp.116-117.
40, 世相による宗教教育への再考, 藤本一雄, Rethinking religious education for the presentday situations, Kazuo Fujimoto, pp.118-120.
41, イエス時代のメシア思想, 大畠清, The ideas of Messiah at the time of Jesus, Kiyoshi Ōhata, pp.121-122.
42, 村落における氏子組織の一例, 特に新田開発村における, 池上広正, An instance of the Ujiko system in a rural community, Hiromasa Ikegami, p.123.
43, 宗教的人格の研究, 野村暢清, A study on religious personality, Nobukiyo Nomura, pp.124-127.
44, 孤独感の心理:宗教的適応について, 早坂泰次郎, Psychological investigation of the feeling of solitude: its religous application, Taijirō Hayasaka, pp.128-130.
45, 上代祭祀と巫女, 平井直房, Worship and shaman (miko) in ancient Shinto, Naofusa Hirai, pp.131-133.
46, 解脱と自由の研究:解脱と涅槃、自由と平和, 宮本正尊, Study on deliverance (gedatsu) and freedom: Moksha and nirvana, freedom and peace, Shōson Miyamoto, pp.134-137.
47, キィルケゴールにおける「魔的なもの」, 米沢紀, “Demonic” in Kierkegaard, Nori Yonezawa, pp.137-139.
48, 我国における火葬の民間受容について, 堀一郎, On the acceptance of the custom of cremation by the Japanese populace, Ichirō Hori, pp.140-143.
49, いはふといつくと, 西角井正慶, “I wau” and “Itsuku”, Masayoshi Nishitsunoi, pp.144-146.
50, 死者祭祀の一型態, 野田幸三郎, A type of the worship of the dead, Kōsaburō Noda, pp.147-149.
51, 本邦における死霊信仰の実証的研究:山形県大泉村清水モリ山をめぐつて, 戸田義雄, Yoshio TODA, pp.149-153.


