Religious Studies in Japan
ISSN 2186-9952
Vol. 5 (2020)
(Published online 27 April 2020)
Those Who Sell the Sacred Sites: The Economic Development of Contemporary Tibet and Popular Religious Spaces
Bessho Yūsuke
Kumazawa Banzan’s Ideas Regarding the “Great Way” and “Shinto”
Iseki Daisuke
The Successors of Hirata Theology
Mitsumatsu Makoto
Takahashi Norihito 高橋典史, Shirahase Tatsuya 白波瀬達也, and Hoshino Sō 星野壮, eds., Gendai Nihon no shūkyō to tabunka kyōsei: Imin to chiiki shakai no kankeisei o saguru『現代日本の宗教と多文化共生―移民と地域社会の関係性を探る』
reviewed by Kato Masato
Nagaoka Takashi 永岡崇, Shinshūkyō to sōryoku sen: Kyōso igo o ikiru 新宗教と総力戦―教祖以後を生きる
reviewed by Adam Lyons