1, 米国宗教学の展望(下), 北川三夫, A View on the Science of Religion in America, J. Mitsuo KITAGAWA, pp.1-18.
2, 八幡神と仏教との習合, 竹園賢了, The Syncretism of Hachiman-god and Buddhism, Kenryo TAKEZONO, pp.19-47.
3, 道元の時間論とその意義, 高橋賢陳, Dogen’s Theory of Time and its Significance, Masanobu TAKAHASHI, pp.48-63.
4, 宋廷の封賜から見た媽祖信仰の発達, 李献璋, The Development of “Ma-tsu” worship (媽祖信仰) of Sung age in China, Hsien-Chang LI, pp.64-84.
5, 旧約聖書における漂泊の意義, 植田重雄, On the Meaning of the Wandering in the Old Testament, Shigeo UEDA, pp.85-99.