1, 狛犬論考, 竹岡勝也, A Treatise on “Koma-inu“, Katsuya TAKEOKA, pp.1-13.
2, 原始仏教における禅定の問題(中), 武内義範, On the Jhana of Early Buddhism (continued), Yoshinori TAKEUCHI, pp.14-25.
3, 倫理概念の仏教的分析:善, 佐々木現順, The Survey of The linguistical analysis of an ethical concept: in view of the Buddhist Philosophy, Genjun SASAKI, pp.26-47.
4, ゲーテの宗教思想:西東詩集を中心に, 岸田貫一郎, Religious Thought in Goethe’s Divan, Kan’ichirō KISHIDA, pp.48-64.
5, キリスト教の日本的文化変容, 田北耕也, Acculturation of Christianity in Japan, Kōya TAGITA, pp.65-88.
6, 「究竟一乗宝性論」の構造と原型, 高崎直道, Textual Structure of the Ratnagotravibhaga (Uttaratantra) and the Supposed Form of its Orginal Text, Jikidō TAKASAKI, pp.14-33.