1, ムハマッドにおける神秘体験の問題:原始イスラームのタッサウッフ萌芽として, 諸井慶徳, On the Mystical Experience of Muhammed: As the fountainhead of tasawwuf of the primitive Islam, Yoshinori MOROI,pp.1-31.
2, 宗教的態度の比較調査:日米両国学生を調査対象として, 高木きよ子, A Comparative Study of the Religious Attitude: A Survey of the religious attitude of the students in Japan and the United States, Kiyoko TAKAGI, pp.33-61.
3, 琉球における神々の誕生, 鳥越憲三郎, The Birth of Gods in the Loochoo Islands, Kenzaburō TORIGOE, pp.63-84.
4, 般若心経の新解釈, 加藤精神, A New Interpretation of the Hannya-shin-gyo (Prajna Payamita Hridaya Sutra), Seishin KATŌ, pp.85-93.