National Organizations in Japan
・The Society of Historical Studies of Christianity, Japan
・Society for Philosophy of Religion in Japan
・Japan Association of Religion and Ethics
・The Japanese Association for the Study of Religion and Society
・The Institute of Eastern Culture
・The Oriental Library
・The Society for Near Eastern Studies in Japan
・The Japanese Association of Indian and Buddhist Studies
・The Japan Society of Christian Studies
・The Linguistic Society of Japan
・The Japan Sociological Society
・The Japanese Psychological Association
・The Anthropological Society of Nippon
・Japan Association for Bioethics
・The Association of Japanese Geographers
・Japan Association for Middle East Studies
・Nihon Dokyo Gakkai
・Nihon Bukkyo Gakkai
・The Japanese Society of Cultural Anthropology
・The Folklore Society of Japan
・The Japanese Society for Ethics
・Japanese Association for Comparative Philosophy
・The Japan Society for the Comparative Study of Civilizations
・Association of the Religious Law
・The Society of Shinto Studies
University Affiliated Institutes and Research Centers
・Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University
・Institute for Japanese Culture and Classics, Kokugakuin University
・International Research Center for Japanese Studies
・National Institute of Informatics
・National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka, Japan
・National Museum of Japanese History
・Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa
・The Institute of Oriental Culture
・Center for Interdisciplinary Study of Monotheistic Religions
・Nanzan Institute for Religion and Culture
・International Institute for the Study of Religions
International Organizations
・The American Academy of Religion(AAR)
・International Association for the History of Religions (IAHR)
・The International Society for the Sociology of Religion(ISSR)
Other Related Sites
・Science Council of Japan
・The Japan Federation of Societies for the Study of Religions
・Center for Education in Religious Culture